Saturday, November 22, 2014

Blue Downs Ethembeni Children's Care Centre Visit

This Saturday saw the Capetonian Tzu Chings making another visit to Blue Downs Ethembeni Children's Care Centre. Ethembeni is a small daycare based in Blue Downs, Cape Town; it is run by Emma, a 64-year-old caregiver in the district. The day care, though small, boasts 25 eager, bright-eyed and fun-loving children from ages 1-4. Coincidentally, the day care was also having their 2014 Community Primary School graduation that day.
- Translated by: Tony Lin -
- Edited by: Mei Lee -
- original post by Casey Huang -
Photo by: Casey Huang/Chin-Mei Yang

After a little interaction with the children, in which we played some games, we started setting up and preparing for the Primary School graduation. After Miriam (one of our cases) and her family arrived, we donated a wheel chair to her and her family so that she could move around freely and make life easier.

During the breaks, we taught the children the sign language song, "We are one family." When the event began, one of the caretakers of the local district, Deon, lead everyone in a prayer of gratitude. The children also prepared a cute performance in which they brought the audience much laughter from their dancing and singing. Afterwards, we did an introduction on Tzu Chi, sharing the stories about the origin of Tzu Chi's famous bamboo piggy banks as well as a Jing Si Aphorism about appreciation and gratitude. We encouraged the community to assist each other in the districts even though they themselves do not possess much; that they should share what they have with others and be grateful for what they do have. Emma was asked to share with us some of her feelings and thoughts over the last few months. 
Photo by: Casey Huang/Chin-Mei Yang

"Treasure what you have, do not be greedy for what you do not possess" - Master Cheng Yen

We then concluded the event by presenting the children with some presents, that included much needed stationery and some delicious snacks. We also explained that the parcels we were distributing today came from the love of the Tzu Chi family members from all over the world. Afterwards, we took a group photo in the yard with the children happily holding up their new colouring books and Jing Si Aphorism booklets. The children were so happy they let out a chorus of cheers for Tzu Chi.
Photo by: Casey Huang/Chin-Mei Yang